The Top 10 Moments of 2016 at Blue Line

2016 was a great year for Blue Line. We met some new friends, visited with old favorites, and had many, many great times. It’s hard to narrow down our favorite, but we thought we’d give it a try. Here are (arguably) the top 10 moments of 2016:


1. Our Sartell location’s 10-year anniversary. We really can’t believe this one and are very proud of this milestone!

2. Our South St. Cloud location’s 4-year anniversary.

3. The many, many charitable organizations that the Blue Line helps to support. Over the last year, they have been vast; from national organizations to local sports teams.

4. The continuing business partnerships that we have established with our local partners.

5. Leslie and Chris’ wedding. We catering their receptions and fed over 450 people at their house! It was an awesome day!

6. Esther’s 50th birthday party–now that was a humdinger!

7. The tenure of our teammates. We celebrated a 12-year anniversary, a 10-year anniversary and many other multi-year anniversaries.

8. The many personal relationships that were started at the Blue Line. I know of two weddings this past year and three engagements!

9. Being nominated yet again for the Business of the Year in Sartell.

10. The Boy Scouts presenting us a flag for Blue Line South. That was incredibly humbling.


But overall the ultimate highlight is that people continue to support us at the Blue Line.  If it wasn’t for our guests, we wouldn’t be able to do what we do. So thank you to everyone who has supported us in 2016, we are looking forward to serving you in 2017!