The Elusive Walleye
The walleye is the most sought-after fish in Minnesota. Every year 3.5 million walleyes, totaling four million pounds, are harvested in MN. The average Minnesota walleye is about 14 inches long and weighs about one pound. The walleye is quite elusive and its thick white fillets make it a favorite choice for people who love the taste of freshwater fish.
The walleye is also an extremely unpredictable fish. They may "take the bait" like crazy for a few days and then stop for no discernable reason. The walleyes' huge, marble-like eyes allow them to see very well in murky conditions. Their excellent eyesight allows them to elude their predators. These fish perceive the world entirely in shades of green and red, so it makes sense that lures which contain these colors are favored by walleye fisherman.
According to Esther, Scott is a walleye expert.. she just wishes he knew less about walleyes and more about work!